Regarding our shareholders / clients
  • Vocation of customer service. It is not only serving the client, the suppliers, it is really wanting to help and that the other party realizes it.
  • Shareholder / customer satisfaction. Let’s do what we would like them to do with us as customers
  • The customer is the center of the business
  • Closeness to the client. – If we value sociability, we must be social, close, have immediate feedback with the client
  • Orientation towards action. – “Problem solver”
Regarding our products / services
  • Innovation. It is the foundation of our business.
  • Quality and reliability in the product and service.
Regarding our environment
  • Provide new ideas and technologies.
  • Create wealth in our environment.
Regarding our attitude at work
  • The human resource is the organization. You are part of the organization, you are the image of the company abroad.
  • Continuous search for improvement. You always have to do your job well, but the difference is when we wonder every day if doing things differently we could improve.
  • Participation and suggestions come first.
  • Education cannot be interrupted. Education and correction when speaking, dressing and knowing how to be is crucial for us.
  • Autonomy of the worker and complementarity in other areas if necessary.
  • They privilege values ​​and workers who are willing to “get their hands dirty working, getting involved”.
  • Honesty and Integrity towards the company, colleagues, clients and suppliers.
  • Cleanliness, order, morals and discipline at work.
  • Consistent resource management. – Let us ask ourselves and review what it costs to do our work in economic terms, and propose to the company the way to achieve results with less costs.